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Mains areas and subjects

  • Modern history (18th to 20th centuries)
  • Contemporary history since 1945
  • Gender history
  • Family history
  • History of the body
  • Turism history
  • Photographs and films as historical sources



Lund University

:.SS 2024.:

  • Den internationella turismens historia
    Historia B, delkurs 1
    History of international tourism
    History B, part 1

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method course
    History B, part 3

  • Kandidatuppsatskurs
    Historia C, delkurs 3
    Bachelor theses course
    History C, part 3
  • Kroppens historia
    History of the Body
    Master course

:.WS 2023.:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method course
    History B, part 3
  • Kandidatuppsatskurs
    Historia C, delkurs 3
    Bachelor theses course
    History C, part 3
  • Högre seminariet
    Higher seminar

:.SS 2023.:

  • Den internationella turismens historia
    Historia B, delkurs 1
    History of international tourism
    History B, part 1
  • Kandidatuppsatskurs
    Historia C, delkurs 3
    Bachelor theses course
    History C, part 3
  • Högre seminariet
    Higher seminar

:.WS 2022.:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method course
    History B, part 3

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 4
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 4

:.SS 2022.:

  • Kroppens historia
    History of the Body
    Master course

:.SS 2021.:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method Course
    History B, part 3

:.WS 2020.:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method Course
    History B, part 3

:. WS 2018 .:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method Course
    History B, part 3

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 4
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 4

:. SS 2018 .:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method Course
    History B, part 3
  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 4
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 4

:. WS 2017 .:

  • Metodkurs
    Historia B, delkurs 3
    Method course
    History B, part 3

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 4
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 4

:. SS 2017.:

  • Att arbeta historievetenskapligt
    Historia B, delkurs 6
    How to work as a historian
    History B, part 6

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 7
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 7

:. WS 2016 .:

  • Den internationella turismens historia
    Historia B, delkurs 2 (temakurs)
    History of international tourism
    History B, part 2 (thematic course)

  • Kandidatkurs: uppsatskurs
    Historia C, delkurs 3
    Bachelor course: Bachelor theses course
    History C, part 3

:. SS 2016 .:

  • Att arbeta historievetenskapligt
    Historia B, delkurs 6
    How to work as a historian
    History B, part 6

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 7
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 7

  • Kroppens historia
    History oft he Body
    Master course

:. WS 2015 .:

  • Kandidatkurs: uppsatskurs
    Historia C, delkurs 3
    Bachelor course: Bachelor theses course
    History C, part 3

  • Genus, maskulinitet, intersektionalitet
    Nätbaserad fortsättningskurs, delkurs 2 (temakurs)
    Gender, Masculinity, Intersectionality
    Internet course, history B, part 2 (thematic course)

:. SS 2015 .:

  • Att arbeta historievetenskapligt
    Historia B, delkurs 6
    How to work as a historian
    History B, part 6

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 7
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 7

:. WS 2014 .:

  • Kandidatkurs: uppsatskurs
    Historia C, delkurs 3
    Bachelor course: Bachelor theses course
    History C, part 3

:. SS 2014 .:

  • Kroppens historia
    History oft he Body
    Master course

  • Högre seminariet
    Research seminar

:. autumn term 2013 .:  

  • Högre seminariet
    research leave

:. spring term 2013 .:  

  • Katastrofernas århundrade
    historia A, delkurs 1 resp. 5  
    The century of catastrophes
    Lecture on the history of the 20th century
  • Metodkurs för doktorander
    Method course for doctoral students (with Lars Edgren)

:. autumn term 2012 .:  

  • Katastrofernas århundrade
    historia A, delkurs 1 resp. 5  
    The century of catastrophes
    Lecture on the history of the 20th century
  • Att arbeta historievetenskapligt
    Historia B, delkurs 6
    How to work as a historian
    History B, part 6
  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 7
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 7

:. spring term 2012 .:  

  • Katastrofernas århundrade
    Nätbaserad grundkurs, historia A, delkurs 1
    The century of catastrophes
    basic internet course, part 1 (with Kenneth Johannson)

  • Att arbeta historievetenskapligt
    Historia B, delkurs 6
    How to work as a historian
    History B, part 6

  • Uppsatskurs
    Historia B, delkurs 7
    Historical essay course
    History B, part 7


Stockholm University

:. autumn term 2011 .:

  • Global and transnational history 1500-2000
    master course (with Leos Müller)
  • Samtidshistoria I – frigörelser, globalisering och konflikter
    Contemporary history I – liberations, globalisation and conflicts
    bachelor course (with Elisabeth Elgán

:. spring term 2011 .:

  • Den internationella turismens historia 1800-1980
    History of international tourism, 1800-1980
    master course  


European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder   

:. summer term 2011 .:
  • Teacher at the international summer school „Tourism and seaside resorts in Sambia”,
    part of the German-Polish-Russian project “trialogue”, Kaliningrad, 11-18 April 2011  


Bielefeld University

:. summer term 2007 .:

:. winter term  2006/2007 .:

:. summer term  2004 .:

  • Introductory course: History of the family from the ancient world until today
  • Gender relations in transition: history, presence and future perspectives
    interdisciplinary course in social sciences (with Mechtild Oechsle, sociology)

:. winter term  2003/2004 .:

  • Introductory course: Health and illness from the ancient world until today
    Advertising, Photos, Films: analyzing  pictures as historical sources

:. summer term  2003 .:

  • Body, Sex Family: Societal concepts in the pre-modern and modern period 
    (with Simona Slanicka)

:. winter term 2002/2003 .:

  • Body, Sex Family: Societal concepts in the pre-modern and modern period 
    (with Simona Slanicka)
  • »Heimat« (»Home«) in 20th century history, film, and literature
    interdisciplinary course, (with Lothar van Laak, literary studies)

:. summer term 2002 .:

  • History of the body

:. winter term 2001/2002 .:

  • Gender history of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Source interpretation in modern gender history

:. summer term 2001 .:

  • Men´s history and  gender history
    (with Martina Kessel)

:. winter term  2000/2001 .:

  • Introduction to social sciences:  Life choices in change  interdisciplinary course (with Gabriele Wagner, sociology) 
  • Film and history in theory and practice
    (with Jean-Christoph Caron and in co-operation with Film Archive Lippe)

:. summer term 2000 .:

  • Gender history at the turn of the: theoretical positions and perspectives 
    Reading course in modern gender history

:. winter term 1999/2000 .:

  • Introduction to historical studies
    History of the family 1880 to 2000: historical and sociological approaches
    (with Christina Benninghaus) 